Category: Stopover

14 Mar 2021
Bahia Santa Maria turned out to be a pleasant resting stop for us. We arrived on Friday, March 12th and had to stay at least for one full day to dodge some weather, but we ended up...  Continue reading
11 Mar 2021
If we had been disappointed by Bahia Tortuga, the village of Punta Abreojos ended up being a good surprise. We were able to get the tacos we had been longing for in Tortuga, the tw...  Continue reading
8 Mar 2021
We had to alter course to dodge the motorboat that's coming at us full throttle. What the hack? We are sailing, we have right away. And what do they want anyway? They finally turn ...  Continue reading
6 Mar 2021
We woke up in Isla Cedros at around 5AM. Not a big surprise since we both passed out at 9PM after the long passage. We had a Turkish breakfast with sucuk and tomatoes and prepped t...  Continue reading
4 Mar 2021
We had come here to take shelter from South winds building up in the morning of Wednesday, March 3rd. Thankfully, we had made it to the cove before those winds reach unreasonable s...  Continue reading
28 Feb 2021
The location of our first "wild" night on the hook (in Mexico anyway) was great despite a little rolling. But we knew about it and that's also what we were looking for to...  Continue reading
10 Feb 2021
Mexico has certainly been a little of cultural shock and brought all sort of introspective thoughts. It's a different country for sure, but the differences and similarities to our ...  Continue reading