Category: Stopover

9 Feb 2021
Our little Garmin dot hasn't moved for a while, and our sails rest comfortably (but sadly) in their lazy bag (not that we are lazy, but it's the technical name of the bag ^^) as we...  Continue reading
2 Feb 2021
We arrived in Ensenada on a Sunday (January 31st), immediately followed by a holiday, and since the gate of the dock was locked both from the inside and the outside, we were effect...  Continue reading
26 Jan 2021
I claim that the answer is "Yes"! For foreign readers: being salty is synonym of being a seasoned sailor in (American?) English. Our impression of this Pacific Coast, on ...  Continue reading
20 Jan 2021
We have a soft spot in our hearts for Morro Bay, this little fishing town by the Rock, with dinghies all around, moving between land and the moored boats. We have been forced to st...  Continue reading
16 Jan 2021
Ramen and potatoes at 4:30AM upon arrival. Sleep in the morning. Boat rocking but still anchored. Lasers sailing and racing all around. Pump out. Departure again. ...  Continue reading
13 Jan 2021
After a couple of stressful days crossing all the items of our never ending to do lists, we had yet another stressful time to leave the Berkeley marina "in time". These d...  Continue reading