The location of our first "wild" night on the hook (in Mexico anyway) was great despite a little rolling. But we knew about it and that's also what we were looking for to rebuild these sea legs lost in Ensenada as soon as possible. The motion was sometimes pronounced but overall bearable for the planned activities: celebratory beer, diner and sleep. Or at least that's what we thought!
Bruce King's Ericson 38 design offers the luxury of a large quantity of water storage, a total of 100 gallons, so roughly 350 liters in more civilized units :p More than half of it is located in a massive tank and that's where I question the architect design choice. Why the hell under the V berth? And under our heads and shoulders about all?! If the rocking motion is bearable, the sound of water slushing around in an aluminum chest isn't. In addition of building up a pressing desire, the pounding simply feels like a washing machine and kept me awake a good part of the night past the initial pass out after a good sail. Not sure where else Bruce could have put that damn tank, but one thing is sure, anywhere else would have been better!

And overall, plenty of time to admire the full moon