During this sail down from Berkeley, we really realized that we would need a bigger boat if we intend to live full time on it for years to come. La Paz is the heaven of cruisers, there are so many boats anchored and a friendly cruiser club. Everything is organized to make life easier for cruisers but we didn't realize it would be that easy!
We met Symmetry on the VHF net (radio gathering between boats in the morning). Her owners, Liz and Don, were looking for a boat swap, tired of paying high marina fees for more boat than they needed. They liked Tirb and they asked very little money in addition to the boat swap, so WE WENT FOR IT!!
More to come soon. The official offer just got accepted but we'll share more pictures as we transfer ownership. Still sad to leave Tirb here, but that's for the best. Should we rename the new boat Tire-Bouchon 2?