16 Jan 2021
Ramen and potatoes at 4:30AM upon arrival. Sleep in the morning. Boat rocking but still anchored. Lasers sailing and racing all around. Pump out. Departure again. ...  Continue reading
16 Jan 2021
Despite our late start (we cast off around 1PM and sadly missed the chance to see Laure), today is a big day! We are going for our first overnight sail only the two of us, and it i...  Continue reading
15 Jan 2021
Click! Hissing sound of burning propane... Click! Click back, hissing sound of burning propane... Click again! Dang! It seems like our propane system (our way to cook on the boat) ...  Continue reading
14 Jan 2021
This day that we first dreamed of, fantasized, then came to dread and look at with both excitement and anxiety, has come. And it doesn't look that unfamiliar at first. We are greet...  Continue reading
13 Jan 2021
After a couple of stressful days crossing all the items of our never ending to do lists, we had yet another stressful time to leave the Berkeley marina "in time". These d...  Continue reading